Tuesday, 1 November 2011


500 Days Of Summer
      •Oceanic sounds opens the movie; immediately setting the tone, assuming the mise-en-scene will follow suit.
      •Commonly used voiceover introducing the films love theme (‘This is a story of boy meets girl...’). Gives the characters a bit of depth and background even before the plot is really underway.
      •Mid shot/Zoom on couple as mild but calm wind blew around them; representing the pathetic fallacy of the couple.
      •Commonly used Montage; happy, ‘loved- up’ past events
      •Costumes remained light pastel colours with sky blue and lack of make-up on female character suggesting simplistic approach
      •Close-up; couples hand in hand suggests their romantic bond
      •High angle was used when the leading lady was properly introduced by the voice over to the audience; suggests her significance to the story and to the life of the leading man and straight away gives an inkling in just how he will view her, .i.e highly or on a ‘pedestal’
     •The place common to both leading characters is established; where encounter would ignite their romantic involvement/plot (Work place)

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